Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another Pleasant Valley Thursday

Here I sit on this quiet Thursday evening sipping coffee and tapping into this laptop of mine, letting insipid thoughts drift aimlessly like dander to settle pointlessly on the beige pile carpet of my life. I'm not even sure it rises to the level of quiet desperation anymore. It is just quiet respiration.

Earlier was dinner at the Chinese buffet followed a quick walk around Hobby Lobby. I wasn't particularly interested in buying anything in support of a hobby (real or imagined). I just wanted to walk off dinner, and Hobby Lobby is always a quiet, clean, well-lit place that seems to emit a good vibe. Why not walk around Hobby Lobby? It is one of those pseudo-inspirational places that make one think, “I could do that.” It is a good feeling. It is almost exactly opposite of the feeling of frustration and anguish one would get if actually attempting that hobby. No, it is better to just imagine being successful at that particular hobby rather than attempting it and finding out one is all thumbs or abysmally untalented.

After that, we returned home where I took some recycling out to the recycling dumpster in the alleyway. This gave me a sense of having done something useful without actually having to exert much in the way of energy or time. This went a long way towards alleviating the guilt I would normally feel at putting on my pajamas at 8:30 in the evening.

So here it is 8:41 on a Thursday evening and I am in my pajamas and sipping on a cup of coffee and typing into this infernal machine. And 99% of the people in the world would gladly change places with me right now if they had the opportunity. How can one not feel blessed with numbers like that? Of all the realities I could have been born into on that cold winter day in 1962, I won the lottery. It may not have been the power-ball lottery, but I still won the equivalent of a pick-six and my life has been good.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Somewhere in Texas

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