Sunday, January 22, 2012

Inexplicable Funk

Did you ever have one of those days where you just woke up in a blue funk, even though there was no real reason for it?

That was me today. It wasn't that noticeable when I first woke up, but as the day wore on, the cloud above my head became more and more defined until it wasn't long before it was a pretty well-defined black cloud.

The frustrating things about these sorts of days is that, even though we recognize them, we seem to be powerless to do anything to turn them around. We can sense the cloud forming and, rationally, we know there is no reason for it ... but we just can't seem to turn the ship around and head for sunnier waters. It's like one of those dreams where something unidentified, but menacing, is coming to get you, but you just can't seem to move.

Odder still about today was the fact that it was a warm, sunny day. We don't typically get those in January, even in Texas. I could have understood being in a funk if this had been our 23rd day without seeing the sun or if it was bone-chillingly cold and I ached all over from cold. But it was warm. The sun was shining. I was pretty much caught up on the things I needed to do around the house. In short, there was no reason on earth to be in a funk.

And yet, there I was . . . in a funk.

And still am at 10:15 at night.

Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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